Remember Grandma

A site for remembering Grandma Runyan.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

4 years ago

Four years ago today we said goodbye to mom. She left us for a much better place. As we are going through this process with Ron's dad I'm grateful that mom went quickly. We were told about this time (2:30) that we needed to call the family. So we did. Most of them arrived by 5:30. We were gathered around her bed talking and sharing. Around 6:00 mom kind of awaken. We told her we loved her, and what a great Mom, Grandma, and Great Grandma she had been. Then we told her she could go to be with Jesus and Dad. We sang one of her favorite songs - "It is Well with my Soul" and by the time we were done singing (I might add it wasn't our best voices) she had quite breathing. I've thanked the Lord many times for His presence and the quick release of Mom from this earth. She had always said she prayed that she would go with her boots on. In the scheme of things it was quick with just 5 weeks from her first physical symtom till she went home to heaven. We still miss her. I thought of her yesterday as I was "organizing" the tupperware at Ryan & Jared's house and how she loved to do that for us girls when she was visiting. There is a peace in knowing where your Dad & Mom are and that someday we will see them again. Thank you, Lord. Her middle daughter, Cindy


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