Remember Grandma

A site for remembering Grandma Runyan.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Dear Family of Dorothy

John and I are greatly saddened to hear of the death of you mother. She was a wonderful Christian lady.
We became friends at the same time we became friends of Joe and Betty Hanna, meeting each at the Phoenix 1st Assembly church in Arizona.
Your mother was a great mentor to us as were the Hanna's. We met in 1994 not long after our son was killed.
We looked forward to sitting in the same place at church each Sudnay. Several times we all would go to dinner after church and have a good time. We have many fond memories of your mother and loved her.
John and I missed you mother very much after she moved back to Minnesota to live close to her family.
We will always remember her vast knowledge of the Bible. A fond memory is the Sunday she quickly went to the Sunday School teacher after the class closed and informed him the verse he was quoting was not correct and proceeded to tell him what was. Do you suppose she is critiquing the angels in Heaven?
You each are in our thoughts and Prayers.
May God give you much strength and comfort.
Sincerely, John & Melva Bruder


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