Remember Grandma

A site for remembering Grandma Runyan.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Excepts from a memorial sent by Betty Hanna

To those that Dorothy loved;
Dorothy was my friend for over 21 years. She spent 17 years at American Indian College. Dorothy was always ready to help a student. She was very strict but students came away from her tutoring understanding math and correct writing. While she lived on campus students often went down to her motorhome and talked to her and enjoyed carmel popcorn. Today at AIC, there is an outdoors seating area where students can gather to eat, talk, and relax. The plaque reads "In honor of Dorothy Runyan".
She became a part of our family. Most Sundays, Dorothy, Joe (my husband), and myself enjoyed going to Monti's. Those were days of wonderful fellowship. When my daughter and son-in-law adopted Paul, Dorothy was a second Grandma. She attended every birthday celebration from one to fifteen. She always gave him a silver dollar for each year. He still has them. On Christmas, she was again a part of our family. Then on March 11, 2001, Joe went home to be with the Lord. She was again my friend who understood how hard it was to be alone without my partner.
The tales of Dorothy and her cleaning cloth are endless. AIC has never been as clean as it was after Dorothy arrived. We would tease her about "giving the white glove test".
Her legacy will live on at AIC. She was truly and example of excellence in ministry and in service to others.
"Welcome Home Dorothy, well done good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the Lord"


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