Remember Grandma

A site for remembering Grandma Runyan.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Dorothy Runyan Memorial

Dear family,
President Jim Comer is out of town but asked me to send this to you and to express our prayers for you.

We love your mother and remember so many things that she said and did for American Indian College. Dorothy came to minister at AIC for about 17 years. She was willing (and capable) to do anything she was asked to do. This included tutoring in the Foundation Studies Department (now the Learning Resource Department), cleaning and a host of other things.

Dorothy loved the students, faculty, and staff; and I believe I can safely say that they loved her.

I personally remember a group of ladies at the college went to Luby's and surprised her for her 80th birthday. What a wonderful time we had.

Once again, let me express our sadness at the loss of your mother, but rejoice in her Homegoing.

Jim Comer, President and the American Indian College Family written by Nadine Waldrop


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